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Z1 Implants

A patented technology serving biology

In implantology today, there is a consensus between preserving the health of the biological width and long-term success of implant treatment.

The patented Tissue Level Z1 implant combines a pure titanium body and a zirconia collar. Titanium is the reference material for its flexural strength and its osseointegration capabilities. Zirconia, on the other hand, offers excellent biocompatibility with fibroblasts. This property is particularly important in implantology, as it promotes epithelial and connective adhesion and proliferation, ensuring the stability of the sealed tissues.

In addition, while protecting the bone tissue from bacterial infiltration, this transgingival zirconia collar also provides aesthetic benefits by mimicking the cervical anatomy of a natural tooth.

Therefore, the Z1 implant gives the advantage of being a biomimetic Tissue Level implant, combining materials optimized for the surrounding tissues, with the aim of preserving and protecting the biological width.

Periodontal stability

Prosthetic versatility

Balanced solution

In 10 years, the Z1 became TBR’s Best-Seller

The success of Z1 implants has steadily grown. Their share, compared to Bone Level implants, increased from 29% in 2015 to 63% in 2024*.

This progress is built on the patented zirconia collar technology of the Z1, which:

Adapts to all clinical indications

Protects the biological space

Promotes soft tissue integration for better long-term stability

The Z1 is a trusted solution for dental professionals and patients alike.

*Source: TBR data on direct markets 2015-2024

How to preserve the biological width ?

The Zirconia collar preserves the biological width by maintaining the attachment of connective fibers (horizontal and oblique) which support the tissues, inhibit invagination of the junctional epithelium and prevent gingival recession.

The periodontal health thus preserved reflects the tight seal of the tissues around the implant :

Prevents peri-implantitis

Decreases chronic inflammation

Reduces bacterial infiltration

For which clinical indications ?

Healing crown

Without a periodontal ligament, the mechanical forces applied to the teeth are transferred to the alveolar bone, process which is influenced by the shape and material of the prosthetic restoration. In order to control these occlusal stresses during the implant osseointegration timeline, and to stimulate the tissues, a healing crown milled from a resilient hybrid biomaterial is set just a few days after implant placement. Patient satisfaction is thus enhanced by delivering a temporary functional tooth, as a space maintainer, which adapts to the antagonist.

Healing crown

Without a periodontal ligament, the mechanical forces applied to the teeth are transferred to the alveolar bone, process which is influenced by the shape and material of the prosthetic restoration. In order to control these occlusal stresses during the implant osseointegration timeline, and to stimulate the tissues, a healing crown milled from a resilient hybrid biomaterial is set just a few days after implant placement. Patient satisfaction is thus enhanced by delivering a temporary functional tooth, as a space maintainer, which adapts to the antagonist.

The treatment pathway

A patient wants to regain his masticatory function and smile as quickly as possible.

Clinically proven

15-year in vivo clinical investigation on the safety and performance of Z1 implants.

0,0 %*
of Z1 implant fractured since 2012
98,8 %*
of Z1 implants osseointegrated since 2012
*Post-Market Surveillance (PMS) data collected since 2012.

White Paper

How to recover naturally sealed tissues in implantology ?

+20.000 downloads, thank you !

Did you know?

The patented Z1 implant is available in two zirconia collar heights, depending on the gingival thickness of the implant site. Preserving the biological space will make your prosthetic restorations easier and improve the aesthetics of your smile.

Z1 Catalog

Tissue Level implants with zirconia collar

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